Our 24x7 comprehensive monitoring of the Digital Underground can help you transform your information security and anti-fraud operations from reactive to proactive.

what we do iconWhat we do?

We monitor the Digital Underground - a vast universe of online sites, marketplaces, communities, and forums where hackers, fraudsters, and cybercriminals operate and interact. Our 24x7 coverage includes not only the Dark Web and Deep Web, but also malware networks, botnets, and other cybercrime infrastructure and private messaging platforms.

By tracking the "bad guys" wherever they are, we help you stay ahead of their malicious schemes.

We monitor the digital underground

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Our Solutions

Leverage our unique E-Crime Intelligence to develop leading-edge information security and anti-fraud capabilities that shift the paradigm from reactive to proactive.

Fraud prevention

Upgrade your anti-fraud program with our proprietary, outside-in intelligence to proactively spot and eliminate fraud risk.

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Cyber Threats

Take threat hunting to the next level. Detect and eliminate internal compromise. Identify and mitigate a range of external threats.

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Incident Response

Focus and complement your incident response and forensic investigations with tailored outside-in threat intelligence.

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How it works?

Deep Web
Dark Web
Open Source
C2 / Malware Infrastructure
Human Intelligence
Data Collection
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Processing Enrichment
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Intelligence Delivery
Finished Intelligence
Client push pull
Structured Normalized Data
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What is in the digital underground?

The Digital Underground is the dark side of the Internet and home for hackers, cybercriminals, and fraudsters. The Digital Underground is where they come together to collaborate, exchange information, and buy and sell a wide range of illicit goods, services and compromised data.

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Stolen Data: Financial Accounts, e-commerce accounts, health records, personal records, travel reward accounts, intellectual property, trade secrets.

Hacker tools and collaboration: Malware, exploit kits, zero-day vulnerabilities, POS Skiming devices, phishing kits, tutorials, “how to” guides.

Crime as-a-service: DDS Service, Botnets, custom hacking jobs.

Mule Services: Ilicit fraud transfers, money laundering, shipping of phusical goods.

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"Thanks to Q6 Cyber’s proactive intelligence, our debit card fraud losses are down 50% vs. last year.

We have been working with Q6 Cyber for over a year now, and I have to say that it has transformed our fraud prevention program. The actionable and timely threat intelligence provided by Q6 allows us to protect compromised customer accounts from fraudulent charges, reducing our fraud losses and maintaining our strong brand reputation. Our fraud prevention program is no longer reactive. It has become more proactive and more dynamic. The impact has been tremendous. Debit card fraud losses are down 50% vs. last year. All this adds up to a very valuable solution that has now become a key component of our fraud prevention program.”

Chief Information Security Officer,
Financial institution operating in the U.S., Latin America, and Asia.
"Q6 Cyber’s unique threat intelligence gives us early visibility of threats and risks outside our network perimeter.

I run a mature cybersecurity organization as one would expect for a large financial institution. What sparked my interest in Q6 Cyber’s threat intelligence service was their wide coverage outside our network perimeter into the DarkNet and the DeepWeb. The results have been astounding. Over the past 12 months, Q6 delivered approximately 2,000 targeted and actionable findings that represent real risks to our organization. I highly recommend Q6 to security and fraud prevention teams looking for an edge in combating cybercrime and fraud.”

Senior Vice President,
Security and Corporate Investigations, Premier regional bank in the U.S.
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